About ︎ Milomedia
Milomedia is an independent media production company operated by Mark Milosevich. We partner with brands, agencies, businesses, and other partners to create media that inspires, informs, and sells.
Management of TV/Film/Commercial Production from concept to completion
Building collaborative and successful creative project teams
- Establishing strategic workflows that optimize results

Video Production
Video Editing
Motion Graphics
Creative Strategy
Creative Direction
Project Management
About ︎Mark Milosevich
I am an independent Executive Producer, Producer, and Director with 20+ years of hands-on experience across the TV, Video, and Commercial Advertising space.
Core Compentencies
- Turning abstract ideas and creative concepts into tangible deliverables
- Completing projects on time and on budget
- Leading dynamic teams built to solve complex creative problems

Technical Skills
Production Management
Video Editing
Motion Graphics
Camera, Lighting, Sound
FAA Part 107 Drone Op
DIT & Media Management